Hell's Not So Bad

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Confession Time

One of my favorite people on the planet is Joss Whedon. I love Firefly, Angel and I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I own every season. Yup, all seven. Plus five seaons of Angel. But this isn't about him. It's about this. You know with some movies that you shouldn't buy the DVD right away because there's a better release coming soon. But I didn't know that this extends to buying TV on DVD. This 40 disc set (excuse me, I thought you said 40 disc set (yes, yes I did say 40. Four zero.) Oh, well I was confused because that's a hell of a lot of DVDs in one set. (Yes. Yes it is.)) will be releasing November 15th and will run about $200 USD. But you can pre-order it from Amazon for about $140 USD. I did have an iPod dock on my Christmas list, but that AND all the socks and underwear have been crossed off and this has been scrawled in their place. Good lord, I think I have an addiction.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

World on Fire

Every once in awhile I stop and think about something other than myself. ( Crazy, I know!) I was making fun of my brother-in-law because is office here in SLC is having to take up a lot of the slack from the home office on Mobile, Alabama. I find it really interesting to stop and study the way everything seems to be connected in the world. You may think that a storm in the South won't affect you, but it can in a lot of ways. Gas prices, for example. But it seems to me that there's more to it. I'm amazed at how the Internet and other technology has helped people come together. I play Battlefield 2 online and I had no idea that some of the regulars I play with live in New Orleans. They've been absent from the maps, of late. Maggie was mentioning blogs of people who have had to bug out. Despite how far away things like this may seem, it's still personal for most of us. All the more reason for us to be good to people, disasters abounding or not.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Book Quiz

You're The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!
by C.S. Lewis
You were just looking for some decent clothes when everything changed quite dramatically. For the better or for the worse, it is still hard to tell. Now it seems like winter will never end and you feel cursed. Soon there will be an epic struggle between two forces in your life and you are very concerned about a betrayal that could turn the balance. If this makes it sound like you're re-enacting Christian theological events, that may or may not be coincidence. When in doubt, put your trust in zoo animals.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Welcome Back, Kotter

Yesterday was the first day of Fall semester. Yay. I have 16 credit hours this semester, which is a modest amount. Except for an algebra class, I'm taking all CIS stuff which is fun. Unix/Linux admin, Networking, C++ for Windows, Computer Organization. All of my MWF classes decided to meet online on Fridays, so without trying to I have Fridays at home. That rocks and possibly rolls. I'll get back to you. So far all my professors are cool and the class load doesn't seem like it will be too much. Of course, my brain may have already started to melt out my ears. I'm also thinking of working part-time. I know that won't leave me much time for anything else, but I'd really like to be working in the field while finishing school. "Book learnin" is great and I love learning new stuff but I really like being hands on and learning on the job. Nobody may even want me. So unless I get a job offer it's a moot point. While you're wasting time at work, use this link to waste some more and figure out your cyborg name. You can even order a t-shirt with yours on it. Networked Electronic Assassination Lifeform

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Road trip!

Well, after my whirlwind tour of Nevada, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, I'm back. Nevada was two weeks ago but this last week was a road trip with Harold. For those of you who don't know him, Harold is among my oldest friends, but since almost all my friends have been around since our freshman year of high school, maybe that's not a good description. Harold I've know since 7th grade. We used to hang out at his house playing video games when we should have been at school. We still love playing video games. He's more of a console gamer, though. I mean, he has just about every damn console out there. Anyway, he and I love road trips and he had vacation time to burn and I wanted to do something irresponsible before I started this next semester of school. I'm taking harder classes and more of them so I needed to get some goof-off energy out. We left SLC Tuesday. Harold came to pick me up at about 10 and we loaded up and took off to stop by the bank, Audio Outfitters (to pick up a new iTrip for my iPod since I lost my old one) and Media Play to get a DC to AC power inverter. They didn't have one but I had one in my van so we stopped back at my house to get power inverter, drink mugs, a car jack (just in case) and my US road atlas. After getting gas and lunch, we FINALLY left Salt Lake around 11:30 and headed north. We made Boise in good time and meet up with my little sister and her husband and went out for dinner. Then we got a hold of my friend Josh and headed over to his place. I've known Josh for about 10 years or so. He's one of those people who, as soon as I met him, I became fast friends with him. Even know when we don't see each other for months or even years at a time, as soon as we do it's like no time has passed. Anyway, after Boise we headed up to Walla Walla Washington to see family that Harold has up there. We spent a night in Dayton and a night in Walla Walla. After some marker fights with Herald's cousins and some breakfast we headed west. We made it as far as Hood River before we decided to turn south and skirt Mt Hood. We had dinner in Madras and then made for Boise. We made it in about 3:30 am and crashed at Joshes again. We spent one more night in Boise at my little sisters place and headed to see friends in Pocatello. When we got there we talked to Maggie for hours and hours and when we left we decided that since it was already 1 am and we had nowhere to go we just came on home. We rolled in at 3:45 am. And then I slept and slept. And then I slept some more.

While I was out

I got back into town yesterday at about 3:45 am. Not too bad. We made it as far as Hood River Oregon before arcing back towards Utah. I have a full road trip report coming later today or tomorrow morning. I was going to blog each day to my PDA and just post them all when I got back, but I got stuck playing Hotshots Golf on Harold's PSP the whole time. Now I need to buy a damn PSP. But I did want to mention some of the things that happened while I was away. When I was watching the news yesterday it appears I missed a lot of stuff. Some people drowned in a cave somewhere in Utah Valley. President Bush stopped by. And I missed a perfectly good party. But the good news is Jumpboot Jr II was born. As far as the "rave" being broken up, X96 was taking calls from people who were there and others who are stupid this morning on the Radio From Hell program. You can download the show in it's entirety here.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Home again...Leaving tomorrow

Well, the long delay since the last post was due to finals. Then it was due to getting read for a camping trip. Then it was due to being on the camping trip. Since I've not touched a PC for days and days, I feel like I've forgotten how to type. We were camping at Wheeler Peak in Nevada. It's a beautiful campground at about 9,800ft or so. It's an amazing place to find in the middle of the Nevada desert. We were hailed on the first day, about 5 minutes after the tents were set up. The next day we hiked the peak which is 13,063ft. Wow, what a view. This is actually the 3rd time I'd been to Wheeler, but I've never made the summit before due to weather. There's a pretty big lightning danger and you can't see the storms coming in behind the mountain until you get up in the ridge and above the tree line. And these storms will come out of no where. We had one hit just behind us on the way down that there was no sign of when we were at the peak. All in all it was a great hike. We got back last night and today will be spent unpacking and doing laundry so I can pack again to leave tomorrow morning. Harold and I are road tripping to Seattle with a stop in Boise to see my lil sis. I have a lot of photos to post and I'll have more next Monday when I get back. Stay tuned. Toby update: We took him with us to Wheeler and he loved being out in the "wild". He's pretty tired though, he actually slept in until 8:30 this morning. A new record. Take my eyes take my heart I need them no more If never again they fall upon the one I so adore

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Toby Update

Toby and I took a little trip to the vet and had his stitches removed, this afternoon. We're living cone free, nowadays. The wound looks really good and he should be fine. He's happy to be able to play again. We're going to take his tennis ball out in the back yard now.

Why, wi-fi. Why?

You may have heard about the guy in Florida who was arrested for using someone else's wi-fi network to get to the Internet. Unless there are more facts about the case that aren't being released then I have to say how utterly stupid this is. I'm not 'borrowing' bandwidth from anyone. I don't even have a wireless access point, but I completely disagree with this case. If the guy was cracking into a computer on the wireless network, or he was using this other IP to traffic in kiddy porn or some other illegal activity then sure, lock him up. If all he was doing was using the Internet then I have a hard time calling this digital tresspassing. The 'offender' was on the street and as far as I know he wasn't accessing any of the computers on the network. If you water your lawn and some of the water runs out in the gutter and down the street and I scoop it up to water my lawn, I'm not stealing water. Likewise, if your network extends beyond the boundaries of your property and there is no security, whatsoever, then I say it's fair game. I've heard the arguments that if you leave the door to your house unlocked and I walk in uninvited then I'm still tresspassing, the house doesn't have to be locked for it to be breaking and entering. But what if you grab me and drag me into the house? If anything, my neighbors who are broadcasting their network across the property lines they are the trespassers. If I find a signal that is unencrypted and blasting unwanted into my house, then I say it's mine. What say you?

Ready, Set, Sleep

I have not been able to shake the feeling that I missed a weeks worth of sleep. I go to bed a little early and I get up on time, but it just won't go away. I guess this is a sign that I've abandoned my faithful friend and I should seek him out. Mt Dew!? Come back! Seriously, though. I'm so looking forward to the break. I take my last final the 8th and Fall semester starts the 24th. In the mean time I'll be going camping/hiking at Wheeler Peak in Nevada for 3 days (great place), and driving up to Washington state for no particualer reason with Harold. We love a good road trip. Too bad the weekend I have to do it isn't earlier or later. Earlier and we could have gone to Defcon, the hackers convintion in Vegas. Later and we could go to PAX in Seattle. It's just not fair. But I guess I'll just take the vacation I can get and be happy. I havne't had a "guys trip" since Ryan, Beau and myself went to Wizards LA. Now THAT was a fun trip. I like Wizards, but they do seem to be trying to muscle in on other cons recently. Well, stuff like this will now be blogged about at The Rule of Three Toby update: Well, he gets his stitches out today. They say it's just a quick proceedure and he'll be in and out. I'm not sure how they're going to remove stitches so close to his mouth without him freaking out. He's never bit anyone, but he just might if he felt that threatened while being restrained. Memories erased and burned and scarred Trade in ya history for a VCR

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Winding Down and Ramping Up

Summer semster is almost over. This week is the last week of class and next week are finals. It feels good that things are almost finished for a bit, but I'm also getting stressed out about finals and term projects. Things look to be on track, but I still stress. It's how I am. Toby goes to get his stitches out tomorrow. I'm excited for that. I like having a normal dog, rather than a lampshade with legs.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Case Of The Mondays

I have had the hardest time waking up today. Maybe I shouldn't have had such a good time at Jerry's birthday party on Saturday. Sunday I felt pretty good but this morning I felt more like I'd been hit with a truck sometime during the night. Caffeine is a no go. I've been drinking more than my daily fix and I'm still as tired as when I woke up. I'm going to lay down on the couch and watch vampire related movies. I'm sure that will help me sleep soundly. Toby update: He gets his stitches out this week. Yay! No more cone around his neck. This is a good because he's not so graceful with that thing on. He's constantly running into the back of my legs. Ouch! We need to talk about your TPS reports