Hell's Not So Bad

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The End Of An Era

We picked up a new couch yesterday. New to us. A friend of my aunt is moving to St. George and getting rid of a lot of furniture so we got a new couch. It's one of those extra long four cushion jobs. It's nice. I don't think the previous owners ever sat on it. We also got a new comfy chair. All nice stuff. But it's kind of sad because the old stuff is very comfy. It was basically a frame full of pillows. It was a kryptonite couch. You sat in it and it sucked your strength away. But it was getting a bit worn. A lot worn, actually. I'm not supposed to even post a picture because it used to be a kind of cream color, now it's more grey. I'll miss you, comfy couch. Toby status: Taking a last morning nap on the old couch before it's gone. With all life has to offer,there’s so much to be enjoyed but the pleasures of insomnia are ones I can’t avoid

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I know that some people like how Utah can have very dramatic seasons. I think this week is a little excessive. We mowed the lawn on Sunday and now today there was much snow. Not like one or two inches. Like six. Six inches of snow. That's half an album. (Bizarre 90's reference) So, today in C++ we talked about a little thing called recursion. Basically it's when a function calls itself. The possibilities make the mind boggle. I'm not even sure what boggling is, specifically, but I know that it is a result of thinking about recursion. Short post, today. I hope to post more tonight, but honestly think I'll just be lazy and not. BUT, that just means tomorrow will be extra long and full of everything that you crave. Except for you, Tracy. There will be no mention of how much you love Hinduism. Toby status: Running through the belly deep snow, at the moment. And I don't want to be your other half, I believe that 1 and 1 make 2

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Fantasy is Final

So, I've kind of known about this for some time. I didn't investigate it too much because I didn't want to become disappointed or bitter. There is being made, by Square, a sequel to Final Fantasy VII. It's not a game, it's a movie. It's at least 80 minutes and it should be coming to theatres, but even if it's straight to DVD I'm sold. The trailer is fantastic. Like I said, I kind of knew about it but I finally saw a few of the trailers and, in the words of The Continental, "Wow! Wowy wow wow WOW." Toby status: Practicing his typing so he can post comments later today. You're out living it up today. I've got dues to pay

Monday, March 28, 2005


Stupid. At times, when I think about all the lawsuits and crap going on, I think that if they all go the same way at once they might kill the advancement of technology. Anyway, I had a great weekend. My grandma's brother, uncle Calvin, was in town for the funeral of their brother. That part was sad, but Saturday we had a big get together with lots of good food. It was nice to visit with some people that live so far away I've only meet them twice in my life. Then when we left we took my cousin with us. She's about 12 and wanted to use our Dance Dance Revolution game at our house and that was fun. But we had only done about 3 songs when my Friend Harold called. Harold was sick. He needed to go to the store to get a thermometer and some medicine but he was too light headed to drive. When he called, Heather answered the phone and she didn't recognize him. She's known him for 15 years and she couldn't recognize his voice. I've know him for 17, so of course I went over and brought him a thermometer and some Jello. I took him to the store and got him set up with some fluids to get rehydrated (his temp was 101)and some NyQuil and a digital thermometer and got him home. I called to check on him twice yesterday. I have to admit that this made me feel pretty good to be needed. He's the kind of guy that drops everything to come help. He drove me all over the valley, one night, to get extra keys when I locked them in my car. I drive cross town to bring him a tire iron when he gets a flat at 11pm. That's just how we are. And now the week. Toby status: He's watching the morning joggers and walkers going past the window. Going to try with a little help from my friends

Friday, March 25, 2005

Shades of Dying

I've been thinking about the whole Terri Schiavo thing. It's a pretty hot issue, right now. I'm not going to argue for the tube to be left out or replaced. That's between her husband and her doctors and that's all it should be between. I was thinking about her parents and how they seem, to me, to be having a hard time letting go. To me she seems like she's already gone but they just won't let themselves accept that. So I started thinking about my own living will and what I would want my friends and family to do when I die. I think I'd rather be cremated and my ashes scattered off the pier in Southport England. More importantly, I want my friends to celebrate their own lives. I want them to celebrate the times we had together, good and bad, and reflect on how it all makes us who we are. I want them to play my favorite music and all hoist a Mt Dew and then party like rock stars. Life is only life when you live it. When you get caught up in life ending, your own or someone else's, you're not living. And then what's the point? I want to hang on to all my loved ones but I'm not the Creator and I can only do what I can. For the rest? Accept, adapt and move on. Toby status: Right now he's pawing at my leg to get up on my desk. I think he wants to see what I'm saying about him. You're on the road But you've got no destination

Thursday, March 24, 2005

What A Mess

I'm sitting in the school library at the moment. There is a kid at a computer across and down from me who I'm almost positive is not a student. He looks 12. He brought his lunch from the Student Building with him. He's got some sort of chicken and mashed potatoes deal going on and he's, apparently, unfamiliar with the use of a fork. He's eating most of the chicken AND potatoes with his hands. At least he licks them before he goes back to the keyboard. Watching makes me want to bathe in disinfectant. Toby status: When I left him he was asleep on the couch, but earlier this morning he was trying to hide his new rawhide bone in the couch. He would pull the back cushions away then try to push them back into place after his bone was hidden back there. He wasn't making much progress. If painting is creating, then I'm just erasing. A crystal clear canvas is my masterpiece.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Close One

I know it's late in the day, but I just wanted to check in. I'm scrambling to finish this term paper for Friday and I jsut found out that one of my grandma's brother died and her brother-in-law is in the hospital and probably won't last the weekend. So, I'll be posting more tomorrow but today is just this. Toby status: I just gave him a new rawhide bone to chew on since it's too rainy to play outside. He thinks it's Christmas. 'cause it just belongs to you and me So let's take a ride and see what's mine

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

View Hallo

Today was an important step in our...burgeoning...relationship. I told you I'd be posting and hopes were high. I have delivered. Let's move on, shall we? I got all the way to school for my one class. Fought the masses to find a parking spot and walked the 40 miles that was in between my car and the building my class is in only to find that there is no class today. Seriously, would it kill anyone to send an email when we know these things? A paper sign on the door is not what I'd expect from a CIS professor. I mean, he can write his own OS and/or programming language but he can't click two buttons and type out "NO CLASS TODAY" and then click send? WTF? In other news, my term paper is coming along. I had been rather worried about it but I remembered that the essay I did for English earlier was on the same author and an excerpt from the same book. I did this on purpose so I wouldn't have to do tons of research. Lucky for me I recalled that before I did the reading and research a second time on a new subject. Sometimes the obvious escapes me. Toby status: I played fetch with him before class today, when I left he was curling up on the couch to nap. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time. It's easy.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Before you say anything

Let me explain something. I'm lazy. I didn't say it would be any kind of good explanation. But we've known each other too long to skirt the truth or hide behind lies. We owe each other more than that. So that's it. Can we still maintain our relationship? I think so. I know you've been burned and our trust level is a bit shaky. BUT, Spring Break is gone, mid-terms are over and finals aren't until the first week in May. I hope by then we can re-establish our daily bonding of me posting and you reading, with the occasional response. Now that that's out of the way, I have to go work on a term paper. But I still love you and I'll see you here tomorrow. Toby status: He just finished dinner and is now laying, quite contentedly, on my feet under the desk. How should I say I'm so sorry? How should I pray to know that we're alive?

Monday, March 07, 2005

Week? What week?

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. I'm very sorry. You know I love you and would never neglect you. I just have mid-terms right now and a term paper and lots of homework. But next week is spring break and I'll make it all up to you then. We'll get some time for just us. We can catch up on all the latest goings on and I'll tell you all about my classes and how I would have been better off hiring a monkey to take notes for me while I just sat there with my mind a complete blank. Toby status: Last I saw him he was sitting on one of his little mats in the bedroom watching Heather watch TV. It's 2am I'm drunk again, you're heavy on my mind

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Double security

Toby and Porter are both patroling the fence line. Some people finally moved in to the house over the back fence and they've been in and out moving boxes so the boys have been making sure that the fence line peremiter remains unbreached. They're pretty fun to watch play together. They're roughly the same size but Toby, as a 15 inch beagle, is a s tall as he's going to get. Porter is only 3-4 months old and he's got a ways to grow. And that sound means I have class. Off I go. Toby status: Now that the fence line is safe, he needed to lay down on the couch for a nap. Some days you wake up in the army And some days it's the enemy