Welcome Back, Kotter
Yesterday was the first day of Fall semester. Yay. I have 16 credit hours this semester, which is a modest amount. Except for an algebra class, I'm taking all CIS stuff which is fun. Unix/Linux admin, Networking, C++ for Windows, Computer Organization. All of my MWF classes decided to meet online on Fridays, so without trying to I have Fridays at home. That rocks and possibly rolls. I'll get back to you. So far all my professors are cool and the class load doesn't seem like it will be too much. Of course, my brain may have already started to melt out my ears.
I'm also thinking of working part-time. I know that won't leave me much time for anything else, but I'd really like to be working in the field while finishing school. "Book learnin" is great and I love learning new stuff but I really like being hands on and learning on the job. Nobody may even want me. So unless I get a job offer it's a moot point.
While you're wasting time at work, use this link to waste some more and figure out your cyborg name. You can even order a t-shirt with yours on it.
Fear me for I am Biomechanical Electronic Assassination Unit. I think I want my shirt to have my picture with the Terminator scars showing the machine under the skin.
Psycho, at 8/25/2005 08:21:00 PM
Thanks to you I now have the "Welcome bac Kotter" song in my head.
Psycho, at 8/25/2005 08:35:00 PM
Trump it with Yellow Submarine.
Kaplin, at 8/25/2005 09:13:00 PM
i'm takin 12 hours and working full time. :(
Anonymous, at 8/31/2005 05:52:00 PM
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