Hell's Not So Bad

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I know that some people like how Utah can have very dramatic seasons. I think this week is a little excessive. We mowed the lawn on Sunday and now today there was much snow. Not like one or two inches. Like six. Six inches of snow. That's half an album. (Bizarre 90's reference) So, today in C++ we talked about a little thing called recursion. Basically it's when a function calls itself. The possibilities make the mind boggle. I'm not even sure what boggling is, specifically, but I know that it is a result of thinking about recursion. Short post, today. I hope to post more tonight, but honestly think I'll just be lazy and not. BUT, that just means tomorrow will be extra long and full of everything that you crave. Except for you, Tracy. There will be no mention of how much you love Hinduism. Toby status: Running through the belly deep snow, at the moment. And I don't want to be your other half, I believe that 1 and 1 make 2


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