Hell's Not So Bad

Monday, March 21, 2005

Before you say anything

Let me explain something. I'm lazy. I didn't say it would be any kind of good explanation. But we've known each other too long to skirt the truth or hide behind lies. We owe each other more than that. So that's it. Can we still maintain our relationship? I think so. I know you've been burned and our trust level is a bit shaky. BUT, Spring Break is gone, mid-terms are over and finals aren't until the first week in May. I hope by then we can re-establish our daily bonding of me posting and you reading, with the occasional response. Now that that's out of the way, I have to go work on a term paper. But I still love you and I'll see you here tomorrow. Toby status: He just finished dinner and is now laying, quite contentedly, on my feet under the desk. How should I say I'm so sorry? How should I pray to know that we're alive?


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