Hell's Not So Bad

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I heard about this nifty search engine, YaGooHooGle. It's not an aggregate search engine, like Dogpile, which is also cool. See, Dogpile sends your search to Google, Yahoo and AskJeeves among others, and displays the results in a big list. Very fast and clean to do large searches. YaGooHooGle, on the other hand, sends your search to both Yahoo and Google and then displays the results side by side. It's interesting, if you have your own site, to see how different the results are when you search on yourself. I don't think it's that useful, it's kind of a novelty, but I thought you might want to see it. Most people will find Dogpile far more useful. School is fast winding down. I have tons still to do. Posts will be fairly short the next two weeks but I hope to be back to posting twice a day after finals. At least until the next semester winds down. Toby update: Now I can get him to stand still while I toss a treat a few feet in front of him. He won't move until I tell him to get it. I know lot's of dogs can do this, but beagles live for food. For them to see food and not go for it instantly is near miraculous. The mystery's gone So bring back the sun

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Stupid Shoes

Damn. I was already having a complex with the fact that my phone is smarter than me and now this. Shoes with microprocessors. So not only do they have blogs, they have video blogs. V-blogs sound really cool, I just wish I had a digital video camera. Then I could assail you with wacky images on a daily basis. For now, you'll just have to be settled with this and these. Toby update: No more cone. He's free to run about and we'll be back to the old routine. His paw is doing much better. You can tell it's still a little sore when you watch him go down the stairs, but he is in much better spirits and is playing again. Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away but something in our minds will always stay

Monday, April 18, 2005

Let Summer Begin!

This weekend I officially christened the warm outdoor season. I bought, assembled and used a new BBQ grill. It's neat. I was very amused by the ads I saw whilst we were looking at different grills. They would tell you the surface area of the grill but they would emphasize that this grill is a 48 burger grill. I'm not sure how many I can fit on my grill, but it's a 500 square-inch grilling surface. Four burners and the side burner in the side shelf. Sweet. So we made some burgers and some vegetable kababs and corn on the cob. Yummy. Oh so yummy. So I'm hoping to use the new grill twice a week until winter. Toby update: The cone is off! Well, most of the time. The tear on his pad healed up and scabbed over so he can go outside free again. Although, if we leave him alone too much he tries to chew on the scab so he still wears the cone when we leave him alone for the day. we all enjoy the madness cause we know we're gonna to fade away

Friday, April 15, 2005

In My Pants

So, I'm a big copier. Maggie was doing this and I liked it. You run through your iTunes or Winamp or what not and shuffle your music. Write down the first 25 track titles and ad "In My Pants" to the end of each title. So here's mine: 1. The Humor of the Situation In My Pants 2. 1979 In My Pants 3. Stay the night In My Pants 4. Gratitude In My Pants 5. Never is Enough In My Pants 6. Touch Me In My Pants 7. Howard Hughes In My Pants 8. Why Should I Cry for You In My Pants 9. Miss U Less, See U More In My Pants 10. You Oughta Know In My Pants 11. I love you In My Pants 12. What A Good Boy In My Pants 13. One Man Army In My Pants 14. Ghettochip Malfunction In My Pants 15. Show Don't Tell In My Pants 16. Made Of Steel In My Pants 17. The Passenger In My Pants 18. With You In My Pants 19. I Burn For You In My Pants 20. Halloween In My Pants 21. I’m Not Down In My Pants 22. One Week In My Pants 23. Hey Jude In My Pants 24. Cure For The Itch In My Pants 25. All This Time In My Pants Toby Status: He's still trying to get 500 channels with his neck dish. I hope we can take it off soon, he seems miserable. O alcohol, I still drink to your health

Thursday, April 14, 2005

To Be Clear

When I said I didn't like kids, I meant I don't like kids the same way I don't like people. I like persons, I dislike people. I like a child, but not kids. See the difference? I dislike the nameless masses of annoying and the ignorant. Once I get to know you, I often get to like you. Until then, I just assume you're an idiot and work around you, saves time. It's nothing personal, it's just how I am. So the same thing applies to kids. As a rules, I try not to touch them or let them touch me. They are loud and dirty and get into things that they shouldn't. But, my friends kids are all family. I know them and I can see the good points and I like them. It's only when they're anonymous do I hate them. Those nameless brats lying on the floor, kicking their heels when they don't get the cereal they want. So that should clear things up. I like persons, I hate people. I like a child or children I know, I hate the brats I run into public. Now you have to ask yourself, do I know you? Toby update: He had a split on his pad that seems to have gotten infected and he was limping pretty bad. We took him to the vet and got him some meds but he has to wear one of those cones around his neck so he'll leave his paw alone. He hates it and I know he's just miserable but it must be done. Poor little guy. And what would it mean to say, that, "I loved you in my fashion"?

Monday, April 11, 2005

C is for Carrot

Hear about this? Tragic. They should just make a new muppet called WinsorPilates Monster. I had a great weekend. My little sister was in town and we got to see her and her son. He's cute. I don't like kids, as a rule, but I like him a lot. I really like to listen to the radio in the morning. I listen to 96.3FM which is KXRK in the Salt Lake Metro area. The show is called Radio From Hell. I listen every morning. My wife got me a shower radio so I can listen whilst I wash. So anyway, I was flipping through the April MaximumPC and I saw the Radio Shark. I had seen this previously but had forgotten all about it. I was reading how it's an AM/FM USB antenna that you can use to listen to the radio and even record stuff. Neat. How much would you pay for something like that? Not $70. That's what they're going for. Oh well. Toby update: He got into the bathroom trash and ran around the house with a Q-tip. He was squirted with the water bottle, a lot. He's now all wet and hiding in his blanket. Grass is greener without the pain, I think that I’m changing but I’m just the same

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


So we had a barbecue dinner last night. It was fantastically delicious. I had a porterhouse steak that was about one and a half inches thick. I'm guessing it was about a 24oz-er. We also had mashed potatoes, rolls, a real nice salad, and vegetable shiskababs. Those were comprised of green and red peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and sweet pearl onions. We grilled those on the barbecue, also. I'm still full. Afterwards we watched a movie and relaxed. It was a great day, really. I was very content. Tonight we'll probably swing by to visit my parents and little sister. Play some Skip-Bo or something. Everyone in the family plays Skip-Bo and many of us are very competitive. It's actually a wonder there haven't been any stabbings. Toby update: Toby is not a fan of the new furniture but he has taken to using his little bed more. It's one of those fleecy things that looks very warm and comfortable. It's between the mini fridge and the comfy chair in a little sheltered nook. I think he likes having his own space. The worst part was hitting the ground. Not the feeling so much as the sound.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

To My Friends and Family

There are terrors aplenty in this life. Pitfalls await out every step. Evil people hide behind false smiles. It seems, at times, that life is pointless and that we will all be brought down by the peril we face daily. But I find hope and strength. I find it in those close to me. A human being is truly a miracle. We are capable of almost anything. Individuals possess incalculable strength. As a close group, we are invincible. That is why we form families and friendships. We are most complete when we love and are loved my others. I know that my own life would have collapsed under the weight of living long ago if not for my friends and family. Today, as I turn 29, I think back on my life and everyone who has helped me become who I am. I love each of you. You have each helped shape my life. I can honestly say that I am happy with who I am and that you have each had a part in that. I thank you all.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Stupid Blogger server

I had posted an amusing story earlier. The Blogger server ate it. The short version is I've started tormenting Toby with a laser pointer. He likes to chase the red dot. I'm sure that I'm mean, but it's just so funny I can't stop.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Sorry about yesterday. I've been taking DayQuil to fight the plague. It makes me a little spacey and strangley focused at the same time. I can sit and work on my C++ or Java and not move for hours. But when I'm done I wander in a stupor. So I thought I had already posted yesterday, but no. And now it's Saturday. Yay! So my little sister is coming into town tomorrow night. She's about 3 years younger than myself and has a little boy that just turned 1. He's very cute and very smart. That's my unbiased opinion. Her husband is staying home to work on school. He's working on his masters degree, which is busy work. Other than working for my MIL, not much else going on this weekend. Toby status: Last I saw him, he was barking to come to work with me. Silly puppy. Rhyming chiming got me working all the time