Hell's Not So Bad

Saturday, April 02, 2005


Sorry about yesterday. I've been taking DayQuil to fight the plague. It makes me a little spacey and strangley focused at the same time. I can sit and work on my C++ or Java and not move for hours. But when I'm done I wander in a stupor. So I thought I had already posted yesterday, but no. And now it's Saturday. Yay! So my little sister is coming into town tomorrow night. She's about 3 years younger than myself and has a little boy that just turned 1. He's very cute and very smart. That's my unbiased opinion. Her husband is staying home to work on school. He's working on his masters degree, which is busy work. Other than working for my MIL, not much else going on this weekend. Toby status: Last I saw him, he was barking to come to work with me. Silly puppy. Rhyming chiming got me working all the time


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