Hell's Not So Bad

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What hope....

I heard Radio From Hell DJ Bill Allred quote SNL's Tina Fey, whom I find one of the funniest people ever. The quote was in reference to Brad and Jen. She said. "If those two people can't stand having sex with each other, what hope is there for the rest of us?" So I played racquetball last night with some friends. I hadn't played for quite some time. And I haven't been able to hang out with some of the guys for a long time, either. I guess that's the deal when most of you are married and half of you have kids. No time for other things. I really admire people who are good parents, since they seem so rare, but I find that people who are nothing BUT parents set my teeth on edge. I worry about people who are nothing without their kids. Mostly I worry for the kids. When you as a person are defined wholly by any one else, you're not a real person. You're only as much a person with as much of a life as whoever you're dependant on allows you. I guess since I don't have kids that I shouldn't judge too much. I know that being married to my wife is part of who I am and helps define me, but it's not the whole of it. Perhaps when we have kids I'll feel differently about it, but for know I will remain slightly horrified. Not that any of my friends are like that. It just made me think about having kids myself. In other news, my beagle Toby is asleep on my feet under the desk. I wish my life were so simple.


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